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Viewing posts for the category Technology

Is Your Business’s Python Application Ready For 2020?

Posted by: Chris Wilson 5 years, 2 months ago

If you aren’t closely following the Open Source world, you might not have heard that Python 2 is going to be officially retired as of April 2020. After nearly 20 years of service, Python 2 will no longer be receiving updates and security fixes after this spring. The core developer community for Python is looking to direct all of their focus to Python 3, which has been available since 2008. Like some other updates from the Open Source world, not all code is compatible with the new version, and consulting with experts can keep your software running smoothly.

Python 3.4 Improvements and Changes

Posted by: Jessica Wilson 10 years, 2 months ago

Python has been around for a while, but it still continues to rise in popularity. As a programming language that promotes both readable code and fast and easy coding, Python has emerged as a favored resource. What makes it so useful is its extensive library as well as its support for common programming methodologies. Also included in the mix are constant updates and improvements to syntax, modules, security, implementations and so on.

Continuing to Go Green: Green Software

Posted by: Jessica Wilson 10 years, 5 months ago

Green computing has been around for a while now, but there are still many ways in which one can improve their green efforts. With all the talk flying around, one can assume that most everyone knows how a green strategy can be applied to the tech and equipment required for computing. I even highlighted some ways to be more green friendly a couple years ago. At the same time, there are other avenues that are equally important, but not emphasized nearly as much. One of these is green software. 

Introduction to Autonomic Computing

Posted by: Jessica Wilson 10 years, 7 months ago

A problem exists in the world of distributed computing management. This problem concerns complexity. Ever since the first device was created there has been demand, and as demand and usage continues to rise, so do the complications of its management. Enter autonomic computing. With the main goal of combating this issue, autonomic computing has been touted as a means to maintain the constant barrage of use. The problem is, there isn't a known working model.

Introduction to Software-Defined Networking

Posted by: Jessica Wilson 10 years, 9 months ago

Computer networking is a valuable tool that has been used time and time again with all kinds of success. In a conventional setup, physical switches and routers are required along with configurations for each one. Such an arrangement can be quite complicated, thus a different approach was formed. Software-Defined Networking (SDN), seeks to simplify the process. What all does it encompass? Let’s pop the hood.



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