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Viewing posts for the category Techniques

Software Development: Managing for Success

Posted by: Julianne Chatelain 9 years, 2 months ago

Fear can keep companies from using software to solve business problems. Stories from past projects can make programming seems like magic – and just as hard to evaluate. Below are tips to manage risk and plan for success.

The Important Connection between ERP Systems and In-memory Computing

Posted by: Jessica Wilson 9 years, 7 months ago

The era of big data and analytics is upon us. Not only does this mean that extensive amounts of data will be coming in, it also means that all of it must be dealt with in a way that best fits with company needs. One such approach is through the use of in-memory computing and its speed allowance. Now what happens when you combine it with the ever popular ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system?

The Impact of Organizational Entrenchment

Posted by: jessica Wilson 9 years, 9 months ago

Over the years there's been a big debate between the merits of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and on-premise software. But is one necessarily better than the other? Of course it depends on the organization in question. Then again, there are cases in which organizations have switched from one to the other. As such a lot of emphasis has been placed on organizational entrenchment within a company and how said company addresses complications that arise.

SOA vs API: What's the Big Deal?

Posted by: Jessica Wilson 9 years, 9 months ago

As far as debates go, the API (Application Programming Interface) vs SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) dispute has been pretty high on list. Here you have API purists who push that APIs are the way to go while SOA proponents have called API an extension of SOA. But are API and SOA really that different? Or are they more similar than some would like to admit? Let’s look at things from an Enterprise IT approach.

The Agile Manifesto. . . Should it be Revised?

Posted by: Jessica Wilson 9 years, 11 months ago

Agile methodology has been around for a while and has proven its worth in various situations. That being said, there have been instances in which it hasn’t been as successful. This has lead to people questioning the suitability of agile and more specifically, its manifesto. As a result, a call has gone out to revise the values and principles on which agile is based.



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